Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Smiles, Sleep, Pokes, and Pumpkins

Smiles and Coos :) They make my heart happy. FINALLY got a good smile on the camera. Thank goodness for fast shutter speed!

My other favorite thing is holding Grayson in the rocker. No, not for the cuddle time, but for how much he LOVES the picture that hangs above the rocker. He just stares, stares, stares at this picture and then all of a sudden a HUGE smile comes across his face and he starts jabbering away- all without taking his eyes away from his picture. I don't know what it is about this picture, but he absolutely loves it and I love watching him enjoy the picture. So, his early morning feedings don't make me too annoyed because once he sees this picture, the smile and the chatting make those moments worth it. I'll see if I can link to the video we got of him doing this so you can all enjoy it too.

His early morning feedings are farther and farther in between. The past two nights he's slept through the night! Last week was bad though...we went about 10 days in a row of waking up once during the night. I know, I know. :) No complaints. But a full night's sleep is wonderful! Especially with being back at work.

We got our shots last week too. Jared brought him in because I couldn't get off work in time to pick him up and bring him to the doctor. Jared found out why I wanted him to do it- so I wouldn't be the bad guy. ;) He took the 4 shots pretty well. Jared did say he cried harder than he'd ever heard and his little mouth was open farther than we'd ever seen it with his screaming. The shots didn't seem to affect him at all, so we're thankful for that. He didn't have an official appointment so no official news on how much bigger he is. I did just step on the Wii Fit board while holding Grayson and Wii Fit told me I just gained 13.5 pounds. :) So, he's growing! That, or I gained a whole lot of weight in a few minutes. He's starting to grow out of his 0-3 month clothes too, so we're starting to make piles of "these don't fit anymore" clothes. Sigh. I think the closet exchange of sizes will be happening more than I realize.

We went to Boone Scenic Railroad on Saturday for the Pumpkin Train ride. It kinda stunk. I wouldn't do it again. But, Grayson loved the train ride. Really. He did! He was awake the whole 30 some minute trip to the pumpkin "patch" and just stared out the window. It was so cute! We did get a cute pumpkin, but it was disappointing that there wasn't an actual patch. Just a small area with pumpkins sitting on hay bales...sigh. I guess next year we'll visit a pumpkin patch.

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